Disaster Preparedness


Disaster Preparedness Committee

This is unofficial webpage for the MCAI Disaster Preparedness Committee. The Committee members are Janice Yates (sp#7), Bob Elling (#12), Mike Ferris (#34) and Mo Sterling (#48).

Goals of the Disaster Preparedness Committee include communicating to residents essential evacuation routes and basic emergency preparedness information. Note that it is not the responsibility of MCAI or park management to physically evacuate residents from their homes during an emergency. Residents should take personal responsibility for themselves during an emergency.

 Be Informed – NIXLE

Sign up with the NIXLE Emergency Notification Message System to receive emergency alerts and notifications from the City of Hermosa Beach. Sign up with Nixle at:  www.nixle.com


The committee is seeking volunteer TEAM MEMBERS to provide needed neighbor-to-neighbor assistance in the event of an emergency. Following a disaster, traditional 9-1-1 and First Responder capabilities such as fire, police, medics, and utility personnel will be overwhelmed and unable to immediately assist individuals. Preparing the Marineland community is vital because neighbors will likely be the first ones to offer assistance.

Team Members will be asked to learn the “9 Steps to Take Immediately Following Disaster” to assist in securing and protecting the community. It is difficult to think clearly following a disaster and these steps will help you quickly and safely take actions that can minimize damage and better protect lives. Team Members will work together to evaluate the neighborhood during the first hour following a disaster and take the necessary actions. For more information read the 9 Steps. document and review 9 STEPS TO TAKE IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING DISASTER section below.

To volunteer as a Marineland Disaster Preparedness Team Member or to get more information contact Janice Yates at e-mail: janicemyates@gmail.com .

 Marineland MHP and Other Documents

Select to download documents about Marineland MHP Disaster Preparedness.

Document Title or Description Date Code 
   Marineland MHP Emergency Preparedness and Evacuation Plan (EPEP) v2018
NOTICE to Residents Notice of the Availability of the MCAI Emergency Preparedness and Evacuation Plan (EPEP) (v2018 , 1 page)180808
Be Ready! MCAI Emergency Preparedness and Evacuation Plan (EPEP) (v2018 25pages)180808
A – Emergency Numbers and Evacuation Map MCAI EPEP Appendix A (v2018, 2 pages)180808
B – Household Emergency Contacts MCAI EPEP Appendix B (v2018, 2 pages)180808
C – Emergency Checklists and Sample First Aid Kit MCAI EPEP Appendix C (v2018, 4 pages)1800808
D – Emergency Resources MCAI EPEP Appendix D (v2018, 3 pages)180808
E – 9 Steps (cover) MCAI EPEP Appendix E, cover page only (v2016, 1 pages)160221
E – Marineland MHP – 9 STEPS TO TAKE IMMEDIATELY AFTER A DISASTER MCAI EPEP Appendix E (v2019 DRAFT, 5 pages)190101
   Other Documents
RESIDENT INFORMATION UPDATE AND OCCUPANCY UPDATE FORM Use this form to keep resident information, including emergency contacts, up to date. The information will be kept confidential. (v2016, 1 page)160221
Marineland Evacuation Map (map only) (12/02/15, 1 page)151202
Disaster Preparedness Committee Charter (10/19/15, 1 page)151019

 Disaster Preparedness Resources

Additional resources are in Appendix D of the EPEP.

  • nixle.com  NIXLE Emergency Alerts and Information.
  • hazardmitigation.calema.ca.gov  California Emergency Management Agency, Hazard Mitigation
  • www.publichealth.lacounty.gov/eprp LA County Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response Program and and Alert LA Los Angeles County Emergency Notification Message System &nbsp 
  • moreprepared.com&nbsp More Prepared! Emergency Preparedness Kits
  • www.weather.gov/losangeles&nbsp National Weather Service (NWS), Los Angeles
  • hbcert.org The Hermosa Beach Community Emergency Response Team (HBCERT) is a volunteer group of Hermosa Beach residents sworn in and authorized by the City of Hermosa Beach as Disaster Service Workers who provide relief to victims of disasters by assisting the Hermosa Beach Fire and Police Department in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from emergencies.
    E-mail: hbcert@hermosabch.org
  • ready.gov   Ready.gov is a national public service advertising (PSA) campaign designed to educate and empower Americans to prepare for and respond to emergencies including natural and man-made disasters.
  • www.redcross.org/prepare American Red Cross Plan &amp Prepare.


The Marineland 9 STEPS TO TAKE IMMEDIATELY AFTER A DISASTER plan is based on the Map Your Neighborhood (MYN) program. The reality is that most neighborhoods will be on their own for the first hours following disaster, maybe for as long as three days or even longer! If people have been hurt, if there is a fire, if property has been damaged, the real first responders will be you and your neighbors. Fire, police, medical, and 9-1-1 personnel will be overwhelmed dealing with immediate life-threatening demands.