Emergency Numbers

When possible, use a land line (instead of mobile) to call emergency numbers so that emergency operator can track your location.
City of Hermosa Beach Police Non-Emergency Police
Dispatch: 310-534-2750
Information: 310-318-0360
Address: 540 Pier Avenue, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
City of Hermosa Beach Non-Emergency Fire
Fire Department: 310-376-2479
Ambulance 911
Marineland Mobilehome Park
Park Emergency: 310-378-1100
Web Page Disaster Preparedness

Park Office & Property Management

 Website: www.lfmgmt.com

Marineland Mobilehome Park Office
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, except Holidays
 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Office Phone: 310-379-3753
E-mail: marinelandmhp90254@gmail.com
FAX: 310-379-3627
Park Emergency: 310-378-1100
Address531 Pier Avenue, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
Location Map: Marineland Location Map
On-site Manager:Donnell D’Agostino
On-site manager is available at park office during office hours, by calling office phone, or by e-mail.
Emergency After Office Hours Contact:(310) 798-1100
Marineland is
managed by:
Les Frame Management, Inc.
1635 Aviation Blvd, Redondo Beach, CA 90278
Business: (310)798-1102